Children's coloring book.

Children's coloring book.


  Children's coloring book


  • This is an e-book for tiny kids, specially for the aged group of 3years to 7 years. Book is very beneficial for the children who have just started drawing. In this book there are different types of animals like domestic,wild, birds, carnivorous and many more animals pictures are included.Every page of the book there are given two similar pictures of an animal is given.One has been colored and other one is completely white, children have to color the second picture after seeing the first one with any color they like.
  • Parents are requested to monitor their kids work and help them so that they understand properly how to color these  pictures.If kids can colorize one or two pictures with the help of their parents then they will be able completely to colorize whole book's pictures. This book will help children to increase their skills in drawing also help them recognising capabilities a lot. This is a very interesting and funny book,I think your children will not bored to colorize the pictures, they will be cheered. This book is a digital book and graphically designed.Hope all of you love this book and my work.

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