Volume of a Cuboid


Title: Volume of a Cuboid


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The world around us is filled with various fascinating geometric shapes, each has its own unique properties and applications. Among these, the cuboid stands out as a fundamental figure, known for its simplicity yet versatility. In this article, I will try to delve into the depths of the cuboid, exploring Volume of a Cuboid is a crucial concept in mathematics and various fields of science and engineering. From its definition to practical applications, join with me on a journey to unravel the mysteries of the cuboid.

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To start todays article about Volume of a Cuboid, let us first know,

Definition and Properties of Cuboid:


Answer: A cuboid, which is also known as a rectangular prism, is a three-dimensional shape characterized by six rectangular faces, where each pair of opposite faces are congruent and parallel. The cuboid possesses three pairs of congruent edges and four pairs of congruent vertices. Its defining feature is its right angles between adjacent faces, making it a polyhedron with orthogonal faces.

Volume of a Cuboid:


Volume of a Cuboid

The Volume of a Cuboid represents the amount of space enclosed within its boundaries. It is calculated by multiplying the three dimensions of the cuboid: length (l), breadth (b), and height (h). Mathematically, the formula for the volume (V) of a cuboid is expressed as:
V = l x b x h
This formula illustrates that the volume of a cuboid is proportional to the product of its three dimensions. By understanding this relationship, we can manipulate the dimensions to alter the volume according to specific requirements.
Visualizing the Volume:
To comprehend the concept of volume better, visualization plays a crucial role. Let, us imagine a shoebox sitting on a table. The length of the box extends from one end to the other, the width from side to side, and the height from the base to the top cover. The product of these three dimensions gives us the volume of the shoebox, representing the space it occupies.

Some Problems related on Volume of a Cuboid:

Question(1): Find the volume of Cuboid of dimensions  15cm x 10cm x 3cm


Answer: Here,

length of the Cuboid(l) = 15cm

breadth of the Cuboid(b) = 10cm

height of the cuboid(h) = 3cm

∴ Volume of the cuboid(v) = l x b x h

= (15 x 10 x 3)cm³

= (150 x 3)cm³

= 450 cm³

Question(2): Ravi made a shoebox with a length of 20m, breadth 6m and height  2m, find the volume of the box.



length of the box (l) = 20m

breadth of the box (b) = 6m

and height of the box (h) = 2m

∴ Volume of the box = l x b x h

= 20 x 6 x 2

= 240m³

Question(3): Volume of a cuboid is 200 cm³, its breadth is 5cm and height is 2cm ; find the length of the Cuboid.


Answer: 1st Method


Volume of the cuboid (V) = 200cm³

breadth of the cuboid (b) = 5cm

height of the cuboid (h) = 2cm

Let, the length of the cuboid = l cm

∴ The length of the cuboid (l) = V / (b x h)

= 200 / (5 x 2)

= 200 / 10

= 20 cm

2nd Method,

Volume of the cuboid (V) = 200cm³

breadth of the cuboid (b) = 5cm

height of the cuboid (h) = 2cm

Let, the length of the cuboid = l cm

Now, A/Q

l x b x h = 200

=> l x 5 x 2 = 200

=> l x 10 = 200

=> l = 200 / 10

= > l = 20

∴ The length of the cuboid (l) = 20cm

Now we will try to know

What is lateral surface area of Cuboid?


Volume of a Cuboid

Answer: Lateral surface area of Cuboid can be defined as the total area of its four faces excluding its top and bottom areas.
It can be expressed as,
 LSA of Cuboid = lh + lh + bh + bh
                        = 2lh + 2bh
                       = 2(l + b)h
where, l = Length of the Cuboid
          b = Breadth of the Cuboid
and   h = Height of the Cuboid

Some Problems related on lateral surface area of Cuboid:


Question (1):A Cuboid has dimensions 20cm X 10cm X 5 cm , find its Lateral Surface Area.


Length of the Cuboid (l) = 20cm

Breadth of the Cuboid (b) = 10cm

and Height of the Cuboid (h) = 5cm

∴ LSA of the Cuboid = 2(l+b)h

=2(20+10)5[ Putting the values ]

= 10 x 30

= 300 cm²

Question(2):A Cuboid has lateral surface area of 300 m²,its length and breadth are 50m and 25m respectively, find its height.

Answer: Here,

Lateral surface area of cuboid = 300 m²

Length of the Cuboid (l) = 50m

Breadth of the Cuboid (b) = 25m


height of the Cuboid = h m

Now, A/Q

2(l+b)h = 300

=>(l+b)h =300/2

=>(50+25)h =150 [putting values]

=> 75 x h = 150

=> h = 150/75

=> h = 2

∴ height of the Cuboid = 2 m

Question(3):If length, breadth and height of a cuboid are doubled,by what factor does its lateral surface area change ?

Answer:Here,1st case

Length of the Cuboid = l

Breadth of the Cuboid = b

and height of the Cuboid = h

∴ LSA of the Cuboid (Aₗ)= 2 x( l+ b) x h…(1)

2nd case,

Length of the Cuboid = 2 l

Breadth of the Cuboid = 2b

and height of the Cuboid = 2h

∴ New lateral surface area(Āₗ) = 2x(2l+2b)x2h

= 4 x 2x(l+b)h

= 4 x Aₗ [ From equation (1)]

So, the new lateral surface area is 4 four times bigger than original one means it changes by a factor of 4.

Applications of Cuboid Volume:

The concept of cuboid volume finds widespread applications across various fields:

(i)Architecture and Construction: Architects and civil engineers utilize Volume of a Cuboid in calculations extensively in designing buildings, rooms, and structures. Understanding the volume helps in estimating material quantities, such as concrete for foundations, bricks for walls, and tiles for floors.

(ii)Packaging and Logistics: In the manufacturing and packaging industries, cuboid volume calculations are vital for measuring the capacity of shipping containers, storage spaces, and packaging boxes. Efficient utilization of space minimizes transportation costs and optimizes storage solutions.

(iii)Geometry and Mathematics Education: Cuboids serve as essential teaching tools in geometry and mathematics education. Students learn about spatial relationships, surface area, and volume calculations through hands-on activities and visualizations involving cuboid models.

(iv)Fluid Dynamics: In fluid mechanics and hydrodynamics,Volume of Cuboid calculations are employed to analyze the capacity of tanks, reservoirs, and pipelines. Understanding the volume makes in managing fluid flow, storage, and distribution systems efficiently.

(v)Computer Graphics and Gaming: Cuboids are ubiquitous in computer graphics and gaming environments, where they are used to represent objects, buildings, and landscapes. Volume calculations aid in creating realistic 3D simulations and virtual worlds.

(vi)Manufacturing and Prototyping: In manufacturing processes and prototyping activities, cuboid volume calculations assist in designing molds, components, and products. Precise volume measurements ensure accurate fabrication and assembly of parts.

Advanced Concepts and Extensions:

Beyond basic cuboid volume calculations, several advanced concepts and extensions further enrich our understanding:

(a)Irregular Cuboids: While traditional cuboids have rectangular faces and right angles, irregular cuboids exhibit variations in face shapes and angles. Calculating the volume of irregular cuboids may involve more complex mathematical techniques, such as integration or decomposition into simpler shapes.

(b)Composite Cuboids: Composite cuboids are formed by combining multiple smaller cuboids or other geometric shapes. The volume of a composite cuboid can be measured by summing the volumes of its individual components, taking into account any overlapping regions.

(c)Surface Area to Volume Ratio: The surface area to volume ratio of a cuboid is a critical parameter in various scientific contexts, such as heat transfer, diffusion, and biological systems. It quantifies the relationship between the exposed surface area and the enclosed volume, influencing phenomena like cooling rates and nutrient absorption.


In conclusion, the Volume of a Cuboid is a fundamental concept with wide-ranging applications in mathematics, science, engineering, and everyday life. By understanding the principles behind cuboid volume calculations, we gain insights into spatial relationships, optimize resource utilization, and solve practical problems across diverse fields. As we continue to explore the depths of geometry and mathematical modeling, the humble cuboid remains an invaluable ally, guiding us through the intricacies of space and dimension.

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(i).What is the cuboid volume formula?


Answer:The cuboid volume formula can be given by,

Volume of Cuboid = l x b x h , cubic unit

Where, l = length of the Cuboid

b = breadth of the Cuboid

h = height of the Cuboid.

(ii).What is the area of cuboid?


Answer:The area of cuboid can be given by,

Area of Cuboid = 2(lb + bh + hl), square unit which is also the TSA of the cuboid.

Where, l = length of the Cuboid.

b = breadth of the Cuboid

h = height of the Cuboid

(iii).What is a cuboid?


Answer:A cuboid, which is also known as a rectangular prism, is a three-dimensional shape that has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 6 faces.

(iv).What is cuboid class 9?


Answer:A cuboid is a rectangular prism, with a three-dimensional shape that has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 6 faces.

(v).What is the CSA of a cuboid?


Answer:Lateral surface area or CSA of a Cuboid can be defined as the total area of its four faces excluding its top and bottom areas.


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