What are homogeneous mixtures of metals commonly called?


Title:- what are homogeneous mixtures of metals commonly called?



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    We are surrounded of various types of matter. Every where our eyes go we find variety and variety of matters.We know any thing which occupies space are known as matter. Metals are also a kind of matter which is a very important part of our modern civilisation. We are influenced by metals from getting up from bed in the morning to when we go to bed for sleep at night, whole day we are influenced by different types of metals through our various activities along with their different alloys. Today we will learn something about what are homogeneous mixtures of metals commonly called? To start this discussion we will first learn what are metals?


    What are metals ?


    Elements which are generally hard,lustrous, malleable, ductile and give up their valance shell electrons in the chemical reactions are known as metals.e.g;Sodium(Na),Magnesium(Mg),Aluminium(Al) Gold (Au) etc.

    what are homogeneous mixtures of metals commonly called?

    Again metals are characterised in different types, some of common types of metals are :- soft metals(Na,K) hard metals(Fe, Cu), Alkaline earth metals(Al, Mg), Transition metals (Fe, Cu),liquid metal (Hg),Highly reactive metals (K,Ns) and more…

    Now we will know about 

    What are  alloys ?

    what are homogeneous mixtures of metals commonly called?

    Answer:-  The homogeneous mixture of two more than two metals or non metals are known as alloys. Alloys are completely new compounds and their chemical properties are completely different from metals Some common alloys are :-

    Bronze alloy :- 

    Theses alloys are.known as copper alloy as these are mainly composed of copper and other ingredients of this alloy are silicon (Si) manganese (Mn) and phosphorus(p).

    Nickel Alloy:- 

    The main component of this type of alloy is nickel and other components are iron(Fe), copper(Cu) and chromium (Cr).

    Stainless Steel Alloy:-

    This alloy is mainly composed of iron and carbon and other components present in this alloy are nickel(Ni), Copper(Cu) and manganese (Mn) and many more…

    Properties of alloys :-

    (i) Metals are generally more harder than their constituent metals.
    (ii) Alloys are more resistant than metals.
    (iii) They are more durable than their constituent metal.
    Now at the end of this discussion we will now know what are homogeneous mixtures of metals commonly called?


    The homogeneous mixtures of metals are commonly called alloys.e.g; Amalgam.

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    ON Homogeneous Mixture of Metals: FAQ

    (i).Why is homogeneous mixture also known as uniform mixture?


    Answer:A homogeneous mixture also known as uniform mixture as in this type of mixture the composition of all added components always remains same throught whole mixture.

    (ii).Is metal a homogeneous mixture?


    Answer:As we know, a homogeneous mixture is a mixture where the composition of all added components (which may be two or more) remains always same by their mass proportion.e.g; salt water solution is a homogeneous liquid mixture. so, a single metal never be a homogeneous mixture, to become a metal as a homogeneous mixture it needs more two or more metals or non metals

    (iii).Why metal alloy is a homogeneous mixture?


    Answer:Metal alloy is a homogeneous mixture as we know alloy is the homogeneous mixture of two or more than two metals or one metal and a non metal and the composition of metals or non metals remains same through out in whole alloy.

    (iv).Example of an Iron alloy.


    Answer:Stainless steel

    (v).Example of an copper alloy?




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