Area of Right triangle


  Area of Right triangle:-

Today in this article I want to discuss with you the topic area of right triangle,to start my discussion let us know,


    **What is a right triangle?

    Answer:- A triangle whose any one angle measures 90° is called right triangle.

    Area of Right triangle

    In the picture,
        ABC is a right triangle,whose <B=90°

    Now we will learn 

    ***what is the area of right triangle?

    Answer:- The area of right triangle

    can be defined the total inside space covered by the three sides of the triangle.
    we can explain
     The area of right triangle = ½ × base×perpendicular/height

    Problems  related on area of right triangle:-

    Question(1):- The base of a right triangle is 4cm and its height is 6cm, find its area.


    Area of Right triangle

    Base of right triangle(b)= 4cm 
    and height/perpendicular of right triangle(p) = 6cm
    ∴ area of right triangle = ½ ×b ×p
                                         = ½ ×4×6
                                         = (2×6)m²
                                         = 12m²

    **Question(2):- The area of a right triangle is 15 cm² and its perpendicular is 3 cm, find its base.


    1st method,

    The area of right triangle(A)=15cm²
                   perpendicular(p) = 3 cm
       ∴ base of the triangle(b)= 2×A/p
                                             = (2×15)/3
                                             = 30/3
                                             = 10cm

    2nd method,

    ∵The area of right triangle(A)=15cm²

                   perpendicular(p) = 3 cm
    Let the base of the right triangle =b cm
     Now, According to question,
     ½ × b × p = 15
      =>½ × b × 3 =15
      => b × 3 = 15 × 2
      => b × 3 = 30
       => b = 30/3
       => b =10
    ∴ Base of the right triangle(b) = 10 cm


    Question(3):- The area of a right triangle is
    20 cm² and its base 5 cm find its height/perpendicular.


    1st method:-

           ∵ Area of right triangle(A) = 20cm²
             Base of right triangle(b) = 5 cm
     ∴ height/perpendicular(h/p)= 2×A/b
                                           = 2× 20/5
                                          = 40/5
                                          = 8 cm

     2nd method:-

            ∵ Area of right triangle(A) = 20cm²

             Base of right triangle(b) = 5 cm
                      Let, perpendicular = p cm
             Now,according to question,
              ½ × b × p = 20
            =>½ ×5×p = 20
            =>5×p = 2×20
            =>5×p = 40
            => p = 40/5
            =>p  = 8
       ∴ perpendicular = 8 cm
    When we say right triangle there must be mention the famous law of Pythagorus.

    So, I am explaining 'Pythagorus law':-

    "Pythagorus law states that sum of the squares of base and perpendicular of a right triangle is equal to the square of its hypotenuse"

    Application of Pythagorus law:-

    Question(1):-Perpendicular drawn from the vertex A of Δ ABC intersect BC at D, such that DB=3CD, Prove that 2AB²= 2AC² +BC²


                           Area of Right triangle

    In the picture, AD⊥BC in Δ ABC is drawn,which intersects BC at point D,such that DB=3CD ∴ BC=DB+CD 
                          =>BC =3CD+CD
                          =>BC = 4CD

     To prove:- 2AB²=2AC²+BC²


    Proof:- In right triangle ADB,

    Applying Pythagorus law, we find
    ∵ AB²= AD²+ BD² [∵<ADB = 90°]
    =>2AB²=2AD²+2BD²—---------(1)[∵multiplying both sides by 2]
    Again,in right triangle ADC,
    Applying Pythagorus law, we find
    ∵ AC² = AD² + CD²  [∵ <ADC =90°]
    =>2AC²=2AD²+2CD²—----(2)[∵multiplying both sides by 2]

    Now equation(1) -equation(2) we get,
    2AB²-2AC² = 2BD²- 2CD²
    =>2AB² - 2AC² = 2(3CD)² - 2CD² [∵ putting DB =3CD]
     =>2AB² - 2AC² = 18CD² - 2CD²
     =>2AB² - 2AC² = 16CD²
     =>2AB² - 2AC² = (4CD)²
    =>2AB² - 2AC² = (BC)² [∵putting 4CD= BC]
    =>2AB² - 2AC² = BC²    

    =>2AB² = 2AC² +BC²


    More Question:-

    Question(2):- In Δ ABC, <C=90°, D and E are two points on the sides CA and CB,Prove that, AE² + BD² = AB² + DE²


    Area of Right triangle

    In the picture, ABC is a Δ, whose <C =90° Dand E are two points on the sides CA and CB,

    To prove:-AE² + BD² = AB² + DE²

    Proof:- ∵ In right triangle ABC,

             we get,
           ∵ AB² = AC² + BC²—-----(i)
           => AE² = AC² + CE²—---(ii)
            =>BD² = BC² +CD²—----(iii)
            =>DE² = CE² + CD²—---(iv)

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    [Note:- Students are advised 1st realise the above process how to solve area problems of right triangle then try similar type of different problems]

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    Answer: The four walls area formula of a cube = 4l² where, l = length of each face of the cube.

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    Answer:- The total surface area formula of a cube = 6ll² where, l= length of each face of the cube.

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    Answer :- The ceiling area formula of a house = l × b where, l = length of the house and b = breadth of the house.

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    Answer :- The four walls formula of a cuboid = 2(l+b)h where, l = length of the cuboid, b = breadth of the cuboid and h = height of the cuboid.

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    Answer:-The curved surface area formula of a cylinder = 2πrh where, r = radius of the cylinder and h = height of the cylinder.

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    Answer :- Curved surface area formula of a cone = πrl where, r = radius of the cube, and l = slent height of the cone.

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